Thursday, April 2, 2009

Greetings Earthlings

And so begins my journey into the world of blogging. Oh, I've had a couple blogs here and there over the years, but I never really took any of them seriously, posting only when I remembered they existed. Eventually, they became so neglected and unkempt that even the dust bunnies started to complain. So, I blithely deleted them and went merrily about my way.

I will try to do better this time. I have many wild, wonderful and crazy things to say, I just have to make myself sit down and do it. An exercise in discipline, that's what this is. We'll see how it goes...

In the meantime, it's late, I'm pregnant and my brain is quickly turning into goo. So, I think I'll go put my feet up, listen to some music and relax.

Goodnight and sweet dreams.